

CANDLEMAS There is latent light and promise in the smallest things, as recognized by the watchful and faithful Anna and Simeon. [...]


Preparing for Scandal


PREPARING FOR SCANDAL Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth is a tender - and shocking - encounter between two pregnant women rejoicing in their coming babies, and [...]

Preparing for Scandal2024-12-24T15:44:26-05:00

What Should We Do?


WHAT SHOULD WE DO? John the Baptist's response to repentant sinners asking "what should we do?" has much in common with lessons learned in kindergarten: be generous, [...]

What Should We Do?2024-12-16T15:25:09-05:00

Prayer For Preparation


PRAYER FOR PREPARATION The Collect for Purity is an ancient prayer of the church that matches John the Baptist's summon that we go into the wilderness of [...]

Prayer For Preparation2024-12-10T12:59:17-05:00

Naming Where We Are


NAMING WHERE WE ARE Advent, the beginning of the church year, invites us into growing dark and quiet so that we can say where we are, rather [...]

Naming Where We Are2024-12-02T08:55:23-05:00

The Gift of Connection


THE GIFT OF CONNECTION Celebrating the feast day of Saint Andrew, we realize the profound gift of our patron saint. Although mentioned only a few times, Saint [...]

The Gift of Connection2024-11-25T13:10:01-05:00

Lifting the Veil


LIFTING THE VEIL In Jesus' last visit to the Temple before his crucifixion, he tries to help the disciples see things clearly, to dis-illusion them, rather than [...]

Lifting the Veil2024-11-19T12:32:46-05:00

Learning to See


LEARNING TO SEE Following Jesus, we learn to see, recasting focus and purpose. Subscribe to Podcast feed [...]

Learning to See2024-10-27T18:38:43-04:00