Weekly Newsletter – Jan 01, 2025
Renee Hood2025-01-04T14:26:04-05:00A Message from the Rector: Dear Friends, Wondering about prayer—how to do it, what it is, why we do it—is a constant source of [...]
A Message from the Rector: Dear Friends, Wondering about prayer—how to do it, what it is, why we do it—is a constant source of [...]
PREPARING FOR SCANDAL Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth is a tender - and shocking - encounter between two pregnant women rejoicing in their coming babies, and [...]
A Message from the Rector: Luke 2:8-20 In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. [...]
A Message from the Rector: Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, [...]
WHAT SHOULD WE DO? John the Baptist's response to repentant sinners asking "what should we do?" has much in common with lessons learned in kindergarten: be generous, [...]
CHRISTMAS GATHERING Thank you Morris' for hosting a wondering Christmas gathering. [...]
A Message from the Senior Warden: In this third week of Advent, we are meant to pause and reflect on the first half of the [...]
PRAYER FOR PREPARATION The Collect for Purity is an ancient prayer of the church that matches John the Baptist's summon that we go into the wilderness of [...]
A Message from the Rector: Advent begins in the dark. It is not a season for the faint of heart. -- Fleming Rutledge If you [...]
NAMING WHERE WE ARE Advent, the beginning of the church year, invites us into growing dark and quiet so that we can say where we are, rather [...]
520 East Seminary Street
Greencastle, IN 46135
Rev Dr Jennifer Oldstone-Moore , Rector