A Message from the Rector:

The authority that Jesus gives Peter and the church to “bind” and “loose” lays out a broad map of the shape of a Christian life. To be charged with binding and loosing means to be vigilant about what needs to change, to articulate why change is needed, and then to put yourself into the work of making that change happen in the church, and in the world.

Two weeks ago I spoke of my mother-in-law Liz’s tireless efforts to broaden the church’s understanding of God, especially in the language that we use for the Holy One. From personal experience beginning in the 1950s, Liz understood that her call from God to serve the church was blocked because of policies about the roles of women, linked in no small part to image of God as male. At Yale Divinity School, instead of being allowed to train as a theologian or a pastor, Liz was invited to learn to be a Sunday School teacher and to support her pastor husband. Liz loves children and respected her husband Stan’s call, and she leaned into this work. She always knew, however, that she was called to more. She tirelessly pushed for women’s ordination, working on committees from the local to the national and international levels, reminding us at every turn that the language of “God the Father” was poetic, not literal.

Liz lived to see the change as well as be the change, and in the 1980s, when her four children were grown, she reapplied to seminary—this time to be ordained as a pastor. Her career as an ordained minister was not as long as it would have been had the doors been opened for her in the 1950s, but it was not any less sweet to her for all that.

However, so many who take up Jesus’ command to Peter to take the keys of the kingdom—to identify and to advocate for what must be “bound,” and what must be “loosed”—never see the fruition of their efforts. We are small players the work to bring God’s Kingdom, small but absolutely essential. We are the leaven, the mustard seed that can bring great change to the church and to the world. Our work is to be just, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God because these things are pleasing to God and because these things will show our love of our neighbor. Faith is trusting that our small efforts will be a part of the witness that will eventually change the world. Faith is continuing to act with justice and mercy in the face of discouraging odds.

Knowing Liz, I am sure that she would have pushed all her life for change to “loose” the rule that barred her from being a pastor. In fact, she has continued to advocate for even after she was ordained. But many do not see the changes they have prayed for.

This poem by Bishop Ken Untener is a beautiful testament to the work of Christian life of working to bind and loose, to strive to be just, merciful, and humble. It is associated with the life and martyrdom of Archbishop Oscar Romero, who when promoted in church hierarchy was expected support the status quo, but who surprised everyone and bothered the powers of government and church by becoming a dedicated and persistent voice for justice and mercy in his troubled nation. Romero was martyred while celebrating Mass at a cancer care center in 1980, and Untener’s poem has become an emblem of his faith and his work.

A Future Not Our Own

It helps now and then to step back and take a long view.
The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts,
it is beyond our vision.

We accomplish in our lifetime only a fraction
of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work.
Nothing we do is complete, which is another way of
saying that the kingdom always lies beyond us.
No statement says all that could be said.
No prayer fully expresses our faith. No confession
brings perfection, no pastoral visit brings wholeness.
No program accomplishes the Church’s mission.
No set of goals and objectives include everything.

This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one
day will grow. We water the seeds already planted
knowing that they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will need further development.
We provide yeast that produces effects
far beyond our capabilities.

We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of
liberation in realizing this.
This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.
It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning,
a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s
grace to enter and do the rest.
We may never see the end results, but that is the
difference between the master builder and the worker.

We are workers, not master builders, ministers, not
messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.


Connect With Us

Rector’s Office Drop-In Time

Rev. Jen has set her office drop-in day as Wednesday of each week from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to stop in and visit. You are always invited to make an appointment for a time convenient for you. Mondays are her Sabbath day. NOTE: No drop-in hours Wednesday, September 13 as Rev. Jen will be out of the office September 12 – 14.

The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost  

Sunday Morning In-Person Morning Worship Service, September 10, led by The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Oldstone-Moore, 10:15 a.m.

You can stream the service via St. Andrew’s Facebook Page. Click on this link to view the Live Stream. We will start the Live Stream 5 minutes prior to the start of the service.

Click here for the service booklet for September 10.

The Latest Updates


Formation for elementary aged youth started Sunday, August 20. Macie is leading the youth with a combination of lessons from Godly Play, crafts, and lessons suited to the church year. Please consider being a second-adult volunteer in the Elementary classroom! Volunteers need to be certified for Safe Church through on-line courses similar to many that businesses and schools require. Please consider being a volunteer!


On Sunday, September 17, the Saint Andrew’s Sunday Service will be at 10:15 a.m. at Raccoon Lake, courtesy of the Jedele family. Lakehouse address is 9591 East Keep Lane, Rockville, IN. See details below!


To augment the Adult Forum on September 24, the documentary “For the Bible Tells Me So” will be shown on Wednesday, September 20 at 5:30 p.m. in Hamilton Hall. This 2007 summary introduces five Christian families, each with a gay or lesbian child. In addition, there are interviews with church leaders and theologians about the Bible and the questions–and some of the answers about scripture, church, Jesus, and queerness/homosexuality.

If you are interested in seeing this movie and the scheduled time conflicts, let the office know. We can easily schedule another viewing. The video is 95 minutes long.


For the past several decades, the question of sexual orientation and the church have been topics of great importance–and often great conflict–for Christians. On September 24 we will have an Adult Forum after Sunday service (teens and children are welcome per parental consent) about the Episcopal Church’s decisions to include LGBTQ clergy and marriage. We will look at the biblical basis for these decisions, and also strategies for your everyday discussions with friends and family about our “open and affirming” church.


We will be having a shared youth group event with Gobin for middle and high schoolers on Friday, September 22 for a movie and discussion. More details to follow soon!


All Saints Sunday is especially designated for the holy rite of baptism. If you are thinking about being baptized or having your children be baptized – or if you are curious about the rite and its meaning–let Rev. Jen know.


If you’d like more information on joining Rev. Jen and a group for a unique exploration of Anglican spiritualty and history on an eight-day pilgrimage to England next year, please click here for more information. The Wonder Voyage journey will have you traveling to places like Manchester, Liverpool, York, and Whitby. You will fly in and from Manchester and all ground transportation is provided. The projected cost is $2,400 plus airfare. To reserve a place on this unique pilgrimage, send a check for $200 per person made payable to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church with “Pilgrimage” on the memo line by Wednesday, September 20, 2023. Payment will be in three installments, due October 15, January 15, and March 15.


Please add body wash, aluminum foil, and laundry detergent to your shopping list for the NFP. Every little bit helps our budget go farther in helping meet the needs of folks in Putnam County. The next Non-Food Pantry will be Saturday, September 30. There is a sign-up sheet posted in Hamilton Hall for folks to help with a product pick-up and/or as well as for help on September 30 at the monthly distribution. FYI: Baskets at church are now dedicated for the NFP and not the food pantry.


Every week the Wednesday St. Andrew’s newsletter has a reflection about life and faith. Most are observations about daily life and where we experience God in the midst of the “same old, same old.” We would love to feature your thoughts – – a few paragraphs that will help us all see more clearly how the Holy One touches us in our ordinary lives. Please let Renee or Jen+ know if you are interested.


We have some large print Day by Day daily devotionals in the sanctuary that you are free to take home for your personal devotions–and if we know that people would like copies, we can order the right amount. Many of you may also appreciate the on-line version of Day to Day. Click here.


The Diocese is offering training for people to become Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV). This training licenses you to take the blessed sacrament to those who cannot come to church, including residents of The Waters. It is a wonderful way to be church! The next training is on September 7. Please consider being a LEV! Contact the Rev. Mary Taflinger at taflinger@indiodio.org with questions. Register here.


The link can be found on the St. Andrew’s website at the bottom of the last page. Click on the Zoom icon to join as an attendee for Bible studies and meetings.


Once a month Sunday services are continuing at The Waters. The next service will be Sunday, October 8 at 2:00 – 2:45 p.m. If you’d like to help with this ministry in any way, please contact Rev. Jen or Renee. All are welcome to attend!


We continue to respond to both our county’s current CDC designation and to the current variant. Masking is optional. Those who serve bread and wine will mask so that anyone who comes to the altar can feel secure. Decisions on COVID policy have moved from the Reconvening Committee to Rev. Jen and the Wardens.

Prayers and Reflections for This Week

We have heard that the daily reflections and scripture readings provided during Lent were appreciated. The meditations are written by persons from Gobin UMC and Beech Grove UMC. They will be in the newsletter each week and go from Wednesday to Tuesday, except for Sunday. Whether you enjoy these every day or as the Spirit moves you, may this resource continue to bring you spiritual food for the journey. Blessings!

Click here to view the readings and accompanying links.

Non-Food Pantry Latest

Saturday, September 30

• Noon to 3:00 p.m.
There will be a distribution in Hamilton Hall and light lunches will be served inside. We are grateful for all those who have worked so hard to obtain supplies for the Non-Food Pantry. Items are having to be purchased from a variety of sources making it much more expensive. Donations to help offset this extra cost will be gratefully accepted! NOTE: Distributions have resumed with new guidelines and now take place indoors. Participants must provide proof that they live within Putnam County.

Top 3 Needed Items
  • Body Wash

  • Aluminum Foil

  • Laundry Detergent

Your prayers are asked for:

Haile Bane, grandson of Joanne Haymaker
Beth Benedix, friend to many of us at Saint Andrew’s
Douglas Butler, brother-in-law of Claudia Butler
Richard A. Butler, father-in-law of Claudia Butler
Adam Cohen, friend of St. Andrew’s
Michael Curry
Anita Edenfield, friend of Skip Sutton
Bob Fatzinger, brother of Barbara Pare
Kimberley Heithaus, niece of Joe & Jenny Heithaus
Lisa Breese Kincaid, daughter of Bob & Mimi Breese
Mary Mountz
Tom Mullen, father of Patti Harmless
Emmanuel Myril, Karen Hirt Mannon’s son-in-law’s father
Marilyn & Leo Nelson, sister & brother-in-law of Joanne Haymaker
The family of Michael Oldstone, especially his wife Elizabeth, father of Jen+
Gordon Redden
Elizabeth & Natalie Sheffler, daughter & granddaughter of Page & Narda Cotton
Gloria Smith
Skip Sutton
The family of Jerry Taylor, friend of Warren & Connie Macy
Sydnor Thompson, brother of Harriet Moore
Dwight Ziegler, brother of Stephanie Gurnon

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. John’s Church, Speedway: Becky Douglas, Senior Warden.

Our companion dioceses: The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil: The Most Rev. Mauricio Jose Araujo De Andrade, Primate of Brazil and Bishop of Brasilia. The people and Diocese of Haiti and Saint Andre’s in Mithon.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church of Ireland.

Birthdays: Kate Berry, September 15; Kate Jedele, September 16.

Anniversaries: None.

Special Events and Services