A Message from a Parishioner:
Mary Oliver begins one of her poems with these lines:
“Why do people keep asking to see God’s identity papers when the darkness opening into morning is more than enough?
I seem to be always asking questions about God’s identity. I think at times I am like the five-year-old who replies to every answer you give with another “but why?” Our Tuesday reading group had been talking about Marcus Borg’s The Heart of Christianity, a marvelous book which I would recommend. In it he describes the God of what he calls “emerging Christianity” as “the More,” “the Is-ness,” “the Presence.” He writes that “God is the name we use for the nonmaterial, stupendous, wondrous ‘More’ that includes the universe even as God transcends the universe” (70). Borg describes this God in other ways as well. He speaks of the God as one “of love and justice, not requirements and rewards.”
But it is his idea of God as the “More” which gets ahold of me. In my adult life, I have not had what others describe as a direct, personal experience of God in their lives. And perhaps this is part of the reason that I keep asking for God’s “identity papers.” But I was at lunch weeks ago with two good friends, and we were talking about my recent Alaska trip, as well as the Borg idea of God. I told them that when I saw the incredible beauty and majesty of the mountains coming down into the seas at Glacier Bay, with the glacier “flowing” like a river of ice, I had a powerful, breathtaking feeling of awe which grabbed ahold of my whole body. I said to my friends – “is that maybe the presence of God?” Almost simultaneously, they said, “Yes.”
I have not experienced such a feeling very often. But I remember it occurring when I sat in the pew of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona and watched the rainbow of lights flowing through the stained-glass windows in the afternoon sunshine. And I remember it when my five-year-old granddaughter beat me at Uno and then looked up with her impish smile and twinkling eyes – she was so happy and so lovely that I felt like crying for joy….
Maybe I can keep myself from asking for “God’s identity papers” for a while.
–Martha Rainbolt, August 23, 2024
This year’s theme for stewardship is “Walk in love”. It is from Ephesians 5:2: “And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”
How do we walk in love at St. Andrew’s? For some it may be cooking meals, baking Christmas cookies, or helping with hospitality during coffee hour. Others share their talent with their beautiful singing voices. We are grateful for those whose administrative talents allow them to balance the books or count the weekly collection. We admire those who give of their time to serve at the altar, usher, and help with one of our ministry groups: Children’s Christian Education, Outreach, Fun and Fellowship, Property, Pastoral Care, and Worship. Still others help with the altar guild, work in the garden, and volunteer for the Non-food Pantry. We are grateful for those whose heart is in helping our children or ministering to our neighbors at The Waters. Those who share their time and talents behind the scenes in so many areas that we don’t even see are essential to the survival of St. Andrew’s. Whatever your ministry talents are, we could not be who we are without you.
As you consider your pledge this year, take time to think about all that we have and all that we have yet to do. We are called to serve, beginning at St. Andrew’s and beyond. When you fill out your pledge cards, you’ll notice that one part is about your financial promises for the year. The other part is dedicated to how you might want to share your time, talents, and your wisdom.
If you have any questions about what each area entails, I would be glad to talk with you about it. Or you can ask any Vestry member. Please know that we are grateful for all those that help even if it is for an hour here, a Sunday morning there. We do not expect you to commit to working in your area of choice continually.
When we decide to walk in love, we are seeking God by giving love, showing love, as God loves us, and by loving others as ourselves. We are grateful that so many of you have dedicated your time, talents, and treasure to aid our parish and others.
In peace and love,
Karen Hirt Mannon
Connect With Us
Rector’s Office Drop-In Time
Rev. Jen has set her office drop-in day as Wednesday of each week from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to stop in and visit. You are always invited to make an appointment for a time convenient for you. Mondays are her Sabbath day.
The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 25B
In-Person Sunday Worship Service, October 27, led by the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Oldstone-Moore, 10:15 a.m.
You can stream the service via St. Andrew’s Facebook Page. Click on this link to view the Live Stream. We will start the Live Stream 5 minutes prior to the start of the service.
Click here for the service booklet for October 27.
The Latest Updates
All Saints’ Day is November 3. Part of our service will remember and name the departed. Please send the names of those you wish remembered to the office by Monday, October 28. You are also invited to add pictures, mementos, or other objects of remembrance on our Table of Remembrance in Hamilton Hall.
Our Sacred Poetry group will gather again beginning this fall. We will be reading the sacred poetry of George Herbert and John Donne. Please let Jen+ know if you are interested and we will find a time that suits all!
The Book and Bible Group has begun again, meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays with Evening Prayer celebrated at 4:00 p.m. We are currently reading Sara Miles book “Take This Bread”. Our next meeting is October 29.
Our Confirmation classes are suspended for a few weeks while we find times for those who are interested. Please let Jen+ or Renee know! Baptisms will be Sunday, November 3.
If any of you are interested in what your Vestry is doing, there are two copies of each month’s minutes on the top of the piano in Hamilton Hall. Feel free to read and return!
Please add razors, Stain Remover Sticks, and shaving cream to your shopping list for the NFP for the month of October. Meals and conversation in Hamilton Hall are going well. Patrons are now able to pick out items they most need. Your contributions help our budget go farther in helping meet the needs of those in Putnam County. The next Non-Food Pantry will be Saturday, October 26 from noon – 2:00 p.m. NOTE: No need to donate more women’s personal hygiene items such as pads and tampons as we are fully stocked on those.
We have some large print Day by Day daily devotionals in the sanctuary that you are free to take home for your personal devotions–and if we know that people would like copies, we can order the right amount. Many of you may also appreciate the on-line version of Day to Day. Click here.
We continue to respond to both our county’s current CDC designation and to the current variant. Masking is optional. Decisions on COVID policy have moved from the Reconvening Committee to Rev. Jen and the Wardens.
Prayers and Reflections for This Week
We have heard that the daily reflections and scripture readings provided during Lent were appreciated. The meditations are written by persons from Gobin UMC and Beech Grove UMC. They will be in the newsletter each week. Whether you enjoy these every day or as the Spirit moves you, may this resource continue to bring you spiritual food for the journey. Blessings!
Click here to view the readings and accompanying links.
Non-Food Pantry Latest
Saturday, October 26
• Noon to 2:00 p.m.
There will be a distribution in Hamilton Hall and light lunches will be served inside. We are grateful for all those who have worked so hard to obtain supplies for the Non-Food Pantry. Items are having to be purchased from a variety of sources making it much more expensive. Donations to help offset this extra cost will be gratefully accepted! NOTE: No need to donate more women’s feminine hygiene items such as pads and tampons at this time as we are fully stocked on those items.
Top 3 Needed Items
Your prayers are asked for:
Haile Bane, grandson of Joanne Haymaker
Toppy Beach, sister of Skip Sutton
Beth Benedix, friend to many at St. Andrew’s
Kim Frank, sister of Pamalee Smith
Katie Gleichman, relative of Jim & Cathryn Ensley
Carole Greenawald
Janet Jenks, friend to many at St. Andrew’s
Tom Kaiser, friend of Jen+ & Chris
The family of Lisa Breese Kincaid, daughter of Bob & Mimi Breese
Mary Mountz
Tom Mullen, father of Patti Harmless
Marilyn & Leo Nelson, sister & brother-in-law of Joanne Haymaker
Elizabeth & Natalie Sheffler, daughter & granddaughter of Page & Narda Cotton
Skip Sutton
Karen Swalley, friend of Thom & Gwen Morris
Dwight Ziegler, uncle of Stephanie Gurnon
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Thomas Church, Franklin: The Rev. Whitney Smith; The Rev. Karen Sullivan.
Our companion dioceses: The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil: The Most Rev. Mauricio Jose Araujo De Andrade, Primate of Brazil and Bishop of Brasilia. The people and Diocese of Haiti and Saint Andre’s in Mithon.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Scottish Episcopal Church.
The Episcopal Church: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe.
Birthdays: Stephanie Gurnon, October 27; Fiona Good, October 29.
Anniversaries: None.