A Message from the Junior Warden:

As the Season of Lent moves forward, part of my personal preparation is a time of reflection. To help facilitate this, I often look for quotes or other writings as inspiration. A quote from Catherine Doherty recently caught my attention:

“Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves… What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment’s hesitation.”

The call to action hit immediately. How often do I, personally, do anything in life “relentlessly”, and “without a moment’s hesitation”? Let alone to do so while not only seeking, but also in removing, the barriers standing between God or those around me? Infrequently, to say the least.

There is no time better than the present to get rid of the obstacles to living life and improving my relationship with God. Further, I believe that in our current world, more than ever, it is imperative that we make relentless efforts to eliminate those things (politics, religious beliefs, race, ethnicity, sexuality) separating us from one another to better focus on our similarities, not differences. My ambition is to work on these objectives, without hesitation, not only for the duration of Lent, but year-round.

Jim Ensley, Jr. Warden

Connect With Us

Rector’s Office Drop-In Time

Rev. Jen has set her office drop-in day as Wednesday of each week from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to stop in and visit. You are always invited to make an appointment for a time convenient for you. Mondays are her Sabbath day. NOTE: No drop-in hours today, Wednesday, March 13.

The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Sunday Morning In-Person Worship Service, Sunday, March 17, led by the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Oldstone-Moore, 10:15 a.m.

You can stream the service via St. Andrew’s Facebook Page. Click on this link to view the Live Stream. We will start the Live Stream 5 minutes prior to the start of the service.

Click here for the service booklet for March 17.

The Latest Updates


We give thanks for the birth of Scout Leatrice, daughter of Sara Nimori and Ross Whitten. We ask prayers for Sara’s healing as she recovers in the hospital. Scout remains in the NICU until her lungs are stronger, as she was born at 29 weeks. Thanks be to God for the care and skill of healthcare providers, and for the blessing of a new family.


Per Brian Cox, our Advent House community project is exciting and making great headway. The bathroom and new stairs are completed, and lighting is nearly finished. We now need your help to clean and paint the upstairs bedrooms and hallway. Join us, whether as a family or individual, for some good old fashioned fun. No painting expertise necessary; all supplies will be provided in the room. Let’s come together and make a difference for our St. Andrew’s family and community. We’d like to have all of this completed by the end of March if at all possible.

Click here to sign up.


Most weeks, the Tuesday Bible and Book group meet at 4:30 p.m. On these Tuesdays, there is a service of Evening Prayer beginning at 4:00 p.m. Don’t be afraid to join in even if you come late! NOTE: No Bible Group on Tuesday, March 26.


This Lent we will have two series that alternate weeks, a movie series with discussion and an introduction to the devotional practice of the Stations of the Cross. A short worship service and a simple meal will be offered at each gathering. The offering will be duplicated at 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. so that all have an opportunity to attend. March 13: Stations of the Cross: Applying Them to Our Lives at both times. Jim Mannon will be leading the stations. No soup lunch or dinner served today, but please feel free to bring your own brown bag! March 20: Bonhoeffer movie and discussion at both times. March 27: Stations of the Cross: Devotional Practice at both times.


Monies in the loose plate collection on the 2nd Sunday of each month go towards Rev. Jen’s Discretionary Fund used to help the less fortunate in Putnam County. NOTE: Sunday, April 14, loose plate offerings will go towards Rev. Jen’s Discretionary fund.


Please add Adult Pull-Ups Size Large, 4 and 5 year old Children’s Pull-Ups, and boxes of Laundry Sheets to your shopping list for the NFP. The laundry sheets are more popular and desirable especially for the older folk as they are much easier to handle than the bottles of liquid. Meals and conversation in Hamilton Hall are going well. Patrons are now able to pick out items they most need. Your contributions help our budget go farther in helping meet the needs of those in Putnam County. The next Non-Food Pantry will be Saturday, March 30 from noon – 2:00 p.m. Please let us know if you are able to help out in any way. FYI: Baskets at church are now dedicated for the NFP and not the food pantry.


We have some large print Day by Day daily devotionals in the sanctuary that you are free to take home for your personal devotions–and if we know that people would like copies, we can order the right amount. Many of you may also appreciate the on-line version of Day to Day. Click here.


We continue to respond to both our county’s current CDC designation and to the current variant. Masking is optional. Those who serve bread and wine will mask so that anyone who comes to the altar can feel secure. Decisions on COVID policy have moved from the Reconvening Committee to Rev. Jen and the Wardens.

Prayers and Reflections for This Week

We have heard that the daily reflections and scripture readings provided during Lent were appreciated. The meditations are written by persons from Gobin UMC and Beech Grove UMC. They will be in the newsletter each week and go from Wednesday to Tuesday, except for Sunday. Whether you enjoy these every day or as the Spirit moves you, may this resource continue to bring you spiritual food for the journey. Blessings!

Click here to view the readings and accompanying links.

Non-Food Pantry Latest

Saturday, March 30

• Noon to 2:00 p.m.
There will be a distribution in Hamilton Hall and light lunches will be served inside. We are grateful for all those who have worked so hard to obtain supplies for the Non-Food Pantry. Items are having to be purchased from a variety of sources making it much more expensive. Donations to help offset this extra cost will be gratefully accepted!

Top 3 Needed Items
  • Adult Pull-Ups Size Large

  • 4 and 5 Year Old Children’s Pull-Ups

  • Laundry Detergent Sheets in boxes

Your prayers are asked for:

Haile Bane, grandson of Joanne Haymaker
Beth Benedix, friend to many of us at St. Andrew’s
Sharon Bone, friend of Emily Knuth
Chance Charters, friend of the Majors family
The family of Mandy Charters, friend of the Majors family
Adam Cohen, friend of St. Andrew’s
Clara Copeland, friend of Jen+
Anita Edenfield, friend of Skip Sutton
Sharon Ellett, friend of Joanne Haymaker
Bob Fatzinger, brother of Barbara Pare
Carole Greenawald
Thad Jones, brother of Steve Jones
Lisa Breese Kincaid, daughter of Bob & Mimi Breese
Don Marple, brother of Martha Rainbolt
Mary Mountz
Tom Mullen, father of Patti Harmless
Marilyn & Leo Nelson, sister & brother-in-law of Joanne Haymaker
Sara Nimori & daughter, Scout
Sarah Oldstone, sister-in-law of Jen+

Elizabeth & Natalie Sheffler, daughter & granddaughter of Page & Narda Cotton
Gloria Smith
Skip Sutton
Karen Swalley, friend of Thom & Gwen Morris
The family of Sydnor Thompson, brother of Harriet Moore
The family of Marion Visoskas, sister of Pat Baylis
Deb Wilder, sister of Connie Macy
Dwight Ziegler, uncle of Stephanie Gurnon
Kat and family, friend of Jen+
& Chris

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Paul’s, Jeffersonville: Mr. Ben Sapp, Senior Warden.

Our companion dioceses: The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil: The Most Rev. Mauricio Jose Araujo De Andrade, Primate of Brazil and Bishop of Brasilia. The people and Diocese of Haiti and Saint Andre’s in Mithon.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church in Wales.

Birthdays: Justin Glessner, March 18; Karen Vallowe, March 18; Joanne Kissinger, March 19; Steve Jones, March 20.

Anniversaries: Jim and Karen Mannon, March 20.

Special Events and Services

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