A Message from the Rector

I found this comic strip *somewhere* and put it in my files (I did check up on the provenance and the author says I’m free to share as long as I remember to include that the author is David Wilkie, and that RFB/Radio Free Babylon has whole books centered on Coffee with Jesus. Although it is unlikely to make it to the news notes, there is an amusing Japanese manga called “Saint Young Men” which is a story of Gautama Buddha and Jesus sharing an apartment and trying to blend into modern Japanese culture living Tokyo. Their landlady is very suspicious.)
It is interesting to think about absorbing the lessons of the Gospel over a chat and a cup of coffee, but of course that would be the idiom of a conversation today. Where people gathered under trees and around wells and in market places, the conversation and let’s-hash-it-out places of today are in coffee houses and cafes.
In the Gospel passage last Sunday, Jesus tells his followers that there are four essential needs to be addressed by prayer:
–daily sustenance
–strength to avoid what we want but shouldn’t claim
–protection from evil
–to forgive, since we are ourselves forgiven
Simple, but not easy.
The same is true of the two great commandments—loving God, and loving neighbor—simple but not easy. I, too, am stuck on many opinions and actions of my neighbors and how they relate to Christian mores. And I am chastened when I am reminded that my work is to figure out how to love.
May your week be one of good laughs and an open heart,
Connect With Us

Rector’s Office Drop in Time
Rev. Jen has set her office drop-in day as Wednesday of each week from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to stop in and visit. NOTE: Rev. Jen will be out of the office July 18 – August 1.

The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday Morning In-Person Worship Service, July 31 led by Rev. Charles Carpenter, 10:15 a.m.
You can connect to the service via Zoom. Click on this link to connect. If you have not used Zoom before, you will be prompted to download Zoom, go ahead and do that. When you enter the meeting you should be able to see and hear others and others can see and hear you. If you come in a little late, please listen for a moment before speaking. In order to see everyone, go to Gallery view (upper right on PCs and upper left for Macintosh). When we get started everyone except the speaker will be muted. If you are reading or playing music, please be sure to unmute yourself.
If you are connecting via telephone dial 301-715-8592 and when prompted enter the Meeting ID: 858 0497 0006 and press #, then enter the password: pray and press # again. NOTE: This is a new ID number as of April 4, 2022 so be sure to enter the new information!
Click here for the service booklet for July 31.

The Latest Updates
We will continue our Bible study on Tuesdays, reading and discussing the Gospel passage that is assigned for the following Sunday. The Gospel passage for Sunday, August 7 is Luke 12:32-40; it will be our text for the August 2 Bible study. You can always find the week’s Bible readings at lectionarypage.net/YearC_RCL. For the Season Pentecost 2022, we are in Year C, and we will use Track One readings. Hope to see you there!

Prayers and Reflections for This Week
We have heard that the daily reflections and scripture readings provided during Lent were appreciated. The meditations are written by persons from Saint Andrew’s, Gobin UMC and Beech Grove UMC. They will be in the newsletter each week and go from Wednesday to Tuesday, except for Sunday. Whether you enjoy these every day or as the Spirit moves you, may this resource continue to bring you spiritual food for the journey. Blessings!
Click here to view the readings and accompanying links.

Non Food Pantry Latest
Saturday, July 30
• Noon to 3:00 p.m.
There will be a drive through distribution coordinated by Alex Roehrkasse and sack lunches will be served. We are very grateful to Kate Berry, Martha Rainbolt, Carl Huffman, Karen Hirt Mannon, and Christiane Wisehart who have worked very hard to obtain supplies for the Non-Food Pantry. Kroger is not able to acquire enough products for us so the items are being purchased from a variety of sources. This is much more expensive. Donations to help offset this extra cost will be gratefully accepted!
Top 3 Needed Items

Your prayers are asked for:
The family of Jack Angleton, brother of Peggy Angleton
Haile Bane, grandson of Bob and Joanne Haymaker
Beth Benedix, friend to many of us at Saint Andrew’s
Lee Bird, nephew of Lucy Wieland
Douglas Butler, brother-in-law of Claudia Butler
Richard A. Butler, father-in-law of Claudia Butler
Bernice Emrick, mother of Karen Hirt Mannon
Nancy Ferriani and the family of Bob Ferriani, friends of Warren and Connie Macy
Katie Gleichman, relative of Jim Ensley
Mary Ellen Gurnon, aunt of Daniel and Stephanie Gurnon
The family of Bob Haymaker
Terumi Imai, friend of Jen+
Lisa Breese Kincaid, daughter of Bob and Mimi Breese
Judy Lepper, aunt of Trudy Selvia
Grayson Lyons, great nephew of Peggy Angleton
Mike Majors Sr., father-in-law of Renee Majors
Mary Mountz
Bryan Murray and the Murray family
Lucas Murray, grandson of Dave and Sue Murray
Gordon Redden
The family of Jordan Sanders, sister of Jim Ensley
Mike Schmidt, brother of Renee Hood
Elizabeth and Natalie Sheffler, daughter and granddaughter of Page and Narda Cotton
Gloria Smith
Skip Sutton
Sydnor Thompson, brother of Harriet Moore
Susan, friend of Jen+
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Clergy in hospital chaplaincy.
Our companion dioceses: The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil: The Most Rev. Mauricio Jose Araujo De Andrade, Primate of Brazil and Bishop of Brasilia. The people and Diocese of Haiti and Saint Andre’s in Mithon.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church of the Province of West Africa.
Birthdays: Brooke Cox, August 1; Penny Cummings, August 1; Dunkin York, August 2
Anniversaries: Brian and Brooke Cox, August 3; Justin and Dana Glessner, August 3; Fred and Karen Vallowe, August 4; Tony and Patti Harmless, August 5
Worship COVID policy
The volatile nature of COVID makes it necessary to revise policy for gathering. Beginning immediately, so long as Putnam Country COVID rates are designated as low (green) or medium (yellow) by the CDC, we will be mask optional, except for the choir which is in close quarters.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church COVID policy, revised by Regathering Committee and approved by Vestry, May 17, 2022. This policy is subject to revision as COVID continues to evolve. We welcome your feedback on these policies.
Putnam County COVID rates | Worship in person | Congregational Singing | Choir Singing | Communion | Coffee Hour |
Green (low) | Masks optional | Allowed | Masked | Both kinds provided | Masks optional |
Yellow (medium) | Masks optional | Allowed with mask | Masked | Both kinds provided | Masks optional |
Red (high) | Masks required | Only Choir | Masked | Bread only | Coffee hour suspended |
I would like to discuss our returning to communion by wine via the common cup.
Background: The Diocese of Indianapolis has stated that we may return to full communion (both bread and wine), but that receiving the wine can be by common cup only. Several parishioners have had questions about this. Here’s what I’d like you to know at this point.
- The Vestry voted and approved our new COVID guidelines recommended by the Regathering Committee.
- We might use the words “full communion” to indicate that we are finally back to both bread and wine, but it has ALWAYS been true that taking either one is a complete communion. You do not need both to fully commune.
- The choice is yours, Eucharist by Eucharist. You can decide to let the cup pass because you have a cold; if you are worried about others you can pass; you can wait until we return to intinction. Just cross your arms over your chest—or just shake your head and quietly demur.
Yours in health, restoration, liturgical engagement, and literature review,
Rev. Jen