A Message from the Junior Warden:

August…often a reminder of an unwelcome “ending”. In my mind it will always be an
end to summer; and as a kid all freedoms lost as it marked time to head back to school. It has
always been easy for me to get caught up in these “endings”; much simpler to think back to the
4th of July and other events of a well-spent summer than to face the transition into Autumn.

But as the song goes “…every new beginning comes from some other beginnings’ end.”
I will take time to pause, reflect and appreciate the past few months keeping in mind that too
much holding on can prevent moving forward. Sunsets provide an appropriate metaphor that
there is great beauty in “endings” and that every conclusion is also a beginning with new
opportunities. I look forward to the coming fall season and, as writer Ray Bradbury suggests,
encourage everyone to use August as a means to “stave off the November chills” that are right
around the corner.

Jim Ensley

Connect With Us

Rector’s Office Drop-In Time

Rev. Jen has set her office drop-in day as Wednesday of each week from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. for anyone who would like to stop in and visit. You are always invited to make an appointment for a time convenient for you. Mondays are her Sabbath day. NOTE: No drop-in hours Wednesday, August 21.

The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 15B

In-Person Sunday Morning Worship Service, August 18, led by the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Oldstone-Moore, 10:15 a.m. You can stream the service via St. Andrew’s Facebook Page. Click on this link to view the Live Stream. We will start the Live Stream 5 minutes prior to the start of the service.

Click here for the service booklet for August 18.

The Latest Updates


Welcome to our new Director of Music and Organist, Nicholas Voermans. Nick has deep experience and expertise in church music and in leading musical offerings in worship. We are grateful that he will be part of St. Andrew’s while he studies organ improvisation at Indiana University. Welcome, Nick!


Our Sacred Poetry group will gather again beginning this fall. We will be reading the sacred poetry of George Herbert and John Donne. Please let Jen+ know if you are interested and we will find a time that suits all!


On September 15 we will gather again chez Jedele on Raccoon Lake. for Eucharist outdoors followed by a pot-luck lunch, fun in the water, good conversation, and the joy of being in nature. Rain date: September 22.


The Book and Bible Group has begun again, meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays with Evening Prayer celebrated at 4:00 p.m. We are reading Marcus Borg, The Heart of Christianity. This book is widely available via the internet or borrowed from the library. We will begin on August 13 with the first section, ending on page 79. August 20 there will be no book group; our second meeting is August 27.


This fall we will have a class for those interested in the rites of Baptism, initiation and dedication to the Christian path; Confirmation, the commitment to the Christian path after baptism; and Reception, for those who have been confirmed in the Roman Catholic church or the Lutheran church who wish signal membership in the Episcopal Church. The classes will also be for the curious, and those who want to know more about the core tenets and practices of our faith. We will have baptisms on November 3, the celebration of All Saints, and confirmations on February 23, during Bishop Jennifer’s visitation. Please contact Jen+ if you are thinking about Baptism or Confirmation—or if you would simply like to be a part of this class. We will begin these meetings in October.


If any of you are interested in what your Vestry is doing, there are two copies of each month’s minutes on the top of the piano in Hamilton Hall. Feel free to read and return!


Please add razors, Stain Remover Sticks, and shaving cream to your shopping list for the NFP for the month of August. Meals and conversation in Hamilton Hall are going well. Patrons are now able to pick out items they most need. Your contributions help our budget go farther in helping meet the needs of those in Putnam County. The next Non-Food Pantry will be Saturday, August 31 from noon – 2:00 p.m.


We have some large print Day by Day daily devotionals in the sanctuary that you are free to take home for your personal devotions–and if we know that people would like copies, we can order the right amount. Many of you may also appreciate the on-line version of Day to Day. Click here.


We continue to respond to both our county’s current CDC designation and to the current variant. Masking is optional. Decisions on COVID policy have moved from the Reconvening Committee to Rev. Jen and the Wardens.

Prayers and Reflections for This Week

We have heard that the daily reflections and scripture readings provided during Lent were appreciated. The meditations are written by persons from Gobin UMC and Beech Grove UMC. They will be in the newsletter each week. Whether you enjoy these every day or as the Spirit moves you, may this resource continue to bring you spiritual food for the journey. Blessings!

Click here to view the readings and accompanying links.

Non-Food Pantry Latest

Saturday, August 31

• Noon to 2:00 p.m.
There will be a distribution in Hamilton Hall and light lunches will be served inside. We are grateful for all those who have worked so hard to obtain supplies for the Non-Food Pantry. Items are having to be purchased from a variety of sources making it much more expensive. Donations to help offset this extra cost will be gratefully accepted!

Top 3 Needed Items
  • Razors

  • Stain Removal Sticks

  • Shaving Cream

Your prayers are asked for:

Haile Bane, grandson of Joanne Haymaker
Beth Benedix, friend to many of us at St. Andrew’s
Amy Berry, friend of Pam Smith
David Bryant, brother of Stephanie Gurnon
Marthe Chandler, friend of Martha Rainbolt

Clara Copeland, friend of Jen+
The family of John Dittmer, friend to many at St. Andrew’s
Anita Edenfield, friend of Skip Sutton
Bob Fatzinger, brother of Barbara Pare
Katie Gleichman, relative of Jim & Cathryn Ensley
Carole Greenawald
Janet Jenks, friend to many at St. Andrew’s
The family of Lisa Breese Kincaid, daughter of Bob & Mimi Breese
The family of Whitney Morrill, friend to many at St. Andrew’s
Mary Mountz
Tom Mullen, father of Patti Harmless
Marilyn & Leo Nelson, sister & brother-in-law of Joanne Haymaker
Sarah Oldstone, sister-in-law of Jen+
The family of Chuck Schroeder, friends of Dave & Sue Murray
Elizabeth & Natalie Sheffler, daughter & granddaughter of Page & Narda Cotton
Skip Sutton
Karen Swalley, friend of Thom & Gwen Morris
Dwight Ziegler, uncle of Stephanie Gurnon

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
Clergy and students of diocesan campus ministries: The Rev. Robert Abner, Episcopal & Lutheran Campus Ministries at Ball State University; The Rev. Matt Masko, Grace Unlimited at Butler and IUPUI; The Rev. Dr. Hilary Cooke, Chapel of the Good Shepherd at Purdue University; The Rev. Ed. Bird, Episcopal Campus Ministry at Indiana University; The Rev. Dawn Black, United Campus Ministries, Terre Haute (serving Indiana State University, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College); the campus ministries of DePauw University; Hanover College; Wabash College, and the University of Southern Indiana.

Our companion dioceses: The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil: The Most Rev. Mauricio Jose Araujo De Andrade, Primate of Brazil and Bishop of Brasilia. The people and Diocese of Haiti and Saint Andre’s in Mithon.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Anglican Church of Melanesea.

Birthdays: Dana Glessner, August 17.

Anniversaries: Dave & Sue Murray, August 22.

Special Events and Services

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