The liturgical ministries provide the opportunity to directly participate in the worship service.
Lay Readers – proclaim God’s word to his people by reading the Lessons and Psalms to the congregation from the Lectern and leading the Prayers of the People from the pews.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers – administer the elements (the consecrated bread and wine) at any celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors – following a celebration of the Holy Eucharist, take and administer the elements (the consecrated bread and wine) to members of the congregation who by reason of illness or infirmity are unable to be present.
Altar Guild prepare the altar for any service held in the church, and assisting the clergy whenever necessary. The members are also responsible for cleaning the altars, caring for the sacred vessels, and securing the necessary articles to be used at any service. The guild also orders and arranges the altar flowers for services.
The Beyond Homeless Schedule