In the Midst of Parables

Making more meaningful the reign of the Kingdom of God

We have passed the half-way point in our exploration of the Kingdom parables of Jesus. Has the meaning of the reign of God grown through our consideration of these stories?

There are three types of parables found in the Gospels:

  1. Similitudes. Stories that touches on a common experience in real life that hearers would almost automatically agree is true—they are an affirmation of the way life is.
  2. Parables. Fictional but vivid stories that attempt to persuade listeners of a single, striking truth.
  3. Exemplary stories. Not anologies, but examples that illustrate a general moral principle.

Jesus did not use parables to make his message incomprehensible. Rather, they strike out at the imagination and invite the hearer to work to understand them—thus they more deeply engage the mind.

With two weeks left in our series on the parables, I hope that you are gaining insight into the Kingdom message of Jesus.

Father John


Children’s program meeting for existing Children’s Ministry members and new ministers

THE Childrens’s Ministry Group is a vital part of the mission of Saint Andrew’s. In the last couple of years it has undergone significant expansion, culminating in the hiring of our Children’s Minister, Kevin Johnston.

Growth in this ministry means that the number of ministers to our children must keep pace. So the Children’s Ministry Group will hold a program meeting on Monday, November 16 at 6:00 p.m. for all existing members of the group, as well as inviting anyone who feels called to join to help facilitate children’s church during our Sunday worship service.

There will be a review of the children’s program, and discussion of plans for the future and the roles of the ministers during children’s church.

Existing members are asked to confirm with Kevin Johnston, Children’s Minister, at the church office (email link below) to confirm attendance. Members interested in joining this dynamic ministry group are invited to email him with any questions they have about this important ministry.

Monday, November 16.
• Hamilton Hall, 6:00 p.m.

⇪ Confirm your attendance with Kevin, or request more information here.

What’s happening at Saint Andrew’s in the next two weeks?

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Monon Bell Game 2016 concessions

Next Saturday Saint Andrew’s staffs the concession stands for the largest sporting event between DePauw University and Wabash College: the Monon Bell Game.

This single day alone brings in a significant amount of revenue for our Non-Food Pantry, and is an essential part of funding our ministry outreach.

Saturday, November 14.
• DePauw University football stadium, 12:30 p.m.

⇪ Sign up for a slot for the Monon Bell Game concessions.

For your calendar



Monon Bell Game survivors’ after‑party
Saturday, November 14
• At the home of Caroline and Tim Good (306 West Walnut Street) immediately following the Monon Bell Game.



The Kingdom of God study series
Tuesday, November 10
• 707 East Seminary Street, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 11
• 639 East Seminary Street, 6:30 p.m.

Children’s mid-week program
Wednesday, November 11
• The Murray Suite, 6:15–7:45 p.m.



Children’s Ministry
Monday, November 16
• Hamilton Hall, 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 19
• Advent House, 7:00 p.m.

Ministers serving
this Sunday


The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost


November 8, 10:15 a.m.

The Rev. Dr. John G. Rumple, Presider. Kevin Johnston, Children’s Minister. Gwen Morris, Lay Eucharistic Minister. Fiona Good and Ruth Heithaus, Acolytes. Dana Glessner, Children’s Coordinator. Nicholas Reynolds, Organist. Christian Hoffland, Choirmaster. Chris Skrobot, Cantor. Pam Smith, Soloist (Flute). The Choristers of Saint Andrew’s. Joanne Kissinger, Lector. Dennis Knuth, Intercessor. Gordon Redden, Usher. Gwen Morris and Narda Cotton, Altar Guild. Joyce Mayer and Sue & Dave Murray, Hospitality.

Recent sermons

â–º V. No Room for Grudges
November 1

► IV. Let’s Party!
October 25

â–º III. Radical Grace
October 11

The Rev. Dr. John G. Rumple, Rector of Greencastle

Sunday service 10:15 a.m.
Office hours Mon–Thu 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
