For your calendar
Special Events
Newcomer brunch. If you have arrived at Saint Andrew’s in the past year, the Vestry, Wardens, and Rector invite you to gather for a meal following our morning service on Sunday, October 25. Child care will be provided. Children are welcome to eat lunch prior to playing outside or gathering in Advent House.
• Please RSVP ✉ to the church office by Sunday, October 18 if you can participate.
Acolyte training. If you or your child is interested in becoming an acolyte, a 30-minute training session will commence on Sunday, November 1 after coffee hour.
• Please let Father John ✉ know if you or your children plan to attend.
Weekly events
The Kingdom of God study series
Tuesday, October 20
• 707 East Seminary Street, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 21
• 639 East Seminary Street, 6:30 p.m.
Children’s mid-week program Wednesday, October 21
• The Murray Suite, 6:15–7:45 p.m.