From the Rector

“Holy Conversations”—The Election of the Eleventh Bishop of Indianapolis

Bishop Cate has indicated that she will retire in 2017, thus initiating the process of searching for and calling a new Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis.

Elections were held in each deanery in the diocese, and delegates sent to form a Search Committee (responsible for finding qualified candidates) and a Transition Committee (responsible for the events involved in this process).

You are invited to give your input—and I want to make you aware of two “Holy Conversations,” which collect input from the members of the diocese, taking place soon:

Saturday, October 31, 2:00 p.m.
Trinity Church, Bloomington


Saturday, November 7, 1:00 p.m.
Saint John’s, Crawfordsville

Father John

⇪ |  HoosierBishopXI |  @HoosierBishopXI

Parish news

Father John elected to the Diocesan Executive Committee

LAST Sunday Father John was elected by the North-West Deanery of the Diocese of Indianapolis to be its representative on the Executive Council.

The Executive Council of the Diocese of Indianapolis (which is comprised of the Bishop and fifteen other members) provides “comprehensive direction and insight in the areas of budget and finance, exploration and opportunity, mission, and other matters relating to diocesan-wide ministry.”

This election will help both Father John and our parish to have more awareness of how decisions in the diocese are made, as well as allowing us to share our perspectives with the Executive Council and become more integrated into the wider diocesan mission. Please keep him in your prayers.

⇪ Executive Council of the Diocese of Indianapolis

What’s happening at Saint Andrew’s this coming week?

Sunday ◉◯◯◯◯◯◯

Blessing of the Animals

Bring your animal companions (furry or otherwise!) to a special service celebrating them and Saint Francis on Sunday, October 18 in the Memorial Garden at 3:00 p.m. Pet treats provided!

Sunday ◉◯◯◯◯◯◯

Beyond Homeless meal

Saint Andrew’s donates a meal to Beyond Homeless on the third Sunday of each month. On Sunday, October 18 we will provide a main dish, side, and dessert to serve 12–15 people.

Food should be delivered to 309 East Franklin Street by 5:00 p.m.
• Sign-up online ⇪ here

Sunday ◉◯◯◯◯◯◯

All-parish ministry gathering

Join us for coffee after the service on Sunday, October 18 to hear exciting plans from our Ministry Groups and their leaders.

For your calendar


Special Events

Newcomer brunch. If you have arrived at Saint Andrew’s in the past year, the Vestry, Wardens, and Rector invite you to gather for a meal following our morning service on Sunday, October 25. Child care will be provided. Children are welcome to eat lunch prior to playing outside or gathering in Advent House.
• Please RSVP ✉ to the church office by Sunday, October 18 if you can participate.

Acolyte training. If you or your child is interested in becoming an acolyte, a 30-minute training session will commence on Sunday, November 1 after coffee hour.
• Please let Father John ✉ know if you or your children plan to attend.


Weekly events

The Kingdom of God study series
Tuesday, October 20
• 707 East Seminary Street, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 21
• 639 East Seminary Street, 6:30 p.m.

Children’s mid-week program Wednesday, October 21
• The Murray Suite, 6:15–7:45 p.m.

Ministers serving
this Sunday


The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost


October 18, 10:15 a.m.

The Rev. Dr. John G. Rumple, Presider. Kevin Johnston, Children’s Minister. Chris Skrobot, Lay Eucharistic Minister. Sidney Stamper, Acolyte. Dennis Knuth, Children’s Coordinator. Karen Hirt, Doorperson. Nicholas Reynolds, Organist. Graeme Richmond, Cantor. Orcenith Smith, Lector. Anne Harris, Intercessor. Jim Ensley, Usher. Joyce Mayer and Sue Murray, Altar Guild. Joanne Kissinger and Emily & Dennis Knuth, Hospitality.

Recent sermons

â–º II. Prepared to Encounter God
October 4

â–º I. The World is Too Much With Us
September 28

The Rev. Dr. John G. Rumple, Rector of Greencastle

Sunday service 10:15 a.m.
Office hours Mon–Thu 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
