The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, September 13, 10:15 a.m.


Ministers serving this Sunday

The Rev. Dr. John G. Rumple, Presider
Gwen Morris, Lay Eucharistic Minister
Fiona Good and Ruth Heithaus, Acolytes
Cathryn Ensley, Children’s Minister
Pam Smith, Doorperson
Nicholas Reynolds, Organist
Jim Mannon, Cantor
The Choir of Saint Andrew’s
Mac Mackenzie, Lector
Anne Harris, Intercessor
Dennis Knuth, Usher
Cathryn Ensley and Sue Murray, Altar Guild
Anne Harris & Mac Mackenzie and Skip & Larry Sutton, Hospitality

Sunday, September 20, 10:30 a.m. Combined Ecumenical Service at Gobin Memorial United Methodist Church — The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost



This Sunday

Sunday, September 13. The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost—Holy Eucharist, 10:15 a.m. “State of the Church†address given during the service. The loose plate collection today will go towards Father John’s Discretionary Fund.

The Week Ahead

Wednesday, September 16. Family Pizza Dinner, Hamilton Hall, 6:30 p.m. See announcement below.

Sunday, September 20. The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost. Combined ecumenical service at Gobin Memorial United Methodist Church, Locust Street, with Greencastle Presbyterian Church, 10:30 a.m.

The Coming Weeks

Sunday, September 27. The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost—Holy Eucharist, 10:15 a.m. Father John begins a new sermon series on “The Kingdom of God.†See announcement below.

Sunday, October 4. The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost—Holy Eucharist, 10:15 a.m. Hamilton Hall Dedication Sunday, with a special children-oriented service to dedicate our newly renovated spaces.

Tuesday, October 6. Adult Bible Study opportunities: Lunch Study Group, Hamilton Hall, 12:00–1:00 p.m.; Evening Study Group at the home of Carl Huffman and Martha Rainbolt, 7:00–8:00 p.m. See announcement below.

Wednesday, October 7. Children’s Program in the new children’s ministry area above Hamilton Hall, 6:15–7:45 p.m.

Wednesday, October 7. Adult Bible Study Group at the home of Justin and Dana Glessner, 6:30–7:30 p.m. See announcement below.

State of the Church Sunday


Join us this Sunday as we assess and evaluate where we are at on our journey as a parish. We will highlight those areas where God seems to be giving us growth, as well identifying areas where it feels we are being called to step forward more faithfully. It will be an exciting morning as our choir gathers once again, and as we greet our new Children’s Director, Kevin Johnston. Each Ministry Group will give a brief report of progress made in the past year, as well as projected goals for the year ahead. This is not a Sunday to miss! Come and worship, fellowship, and celebrate what God is doing among us at Saint Andrew’s!
– Father John


Welcome to our new Children’s Director and his family! Today we welcome Kevin Johnston as our new Children’s Director. Kevin and his wife, Meggan, live in Greencastle with their sons Daniel and William, and newborn daughter, Evelyn. Kevin teaches fourth grade in Plainfield, and comes to us with a terrific record of successful ministry to children and youth. Please greet Kevin and his family today during coffee hour.

Family Pizza Dinner. On Wednesday, September 16 at 6:30 p.m. the Children’s Ministry Group will host a pizza dinner for all parents and children of the parish. Afterwards, the children will enjoy a movie while the parents gather in the sanctuary to meet our new Children’s Minister Kevin Johnston and discuss plans for the service on Sunday, October 4. Please RSVP to Renee Hood, our Office Administrator, by Tuesday, September 15.

Fall Sermon Series Starting September 27. During Jesus’ ministry there was one topic he spoke about far more often than any other: “The Kingdom of God,†a concept we will unpack and explore through some of the parables found in the Gospels. If you want to understand the heart of what Jesus came to teach, then this sermon series is for you. September 27, The World is too Much With Us, Mark 1:9–20. October 11, Prepared to Encounter God, Matthew 25:1–13. October 18, A Perspective of Grace, Matthew 20:1–16.
October 25, Let’s Party! Luke 14:1–23. November 1, No Room to Hold Grudges, Matthew 18:21-35. November 8, How Our Lives Fit In, Matthew 25:14–30. November 15, There’s Room for the Old and the New, Matthew 13:44–52.

Adult Study Groups Forming. Beginning the first week of October, adults are invited to one of three study groups led by Father John concerning the topic of each week’s sermon (see above for topics). Tuesday groups will be held 12:00–1:00 p.m. in Hamilton Hall, and 7:00–8:00 p.m. in the home of Martha Rainbolt and Carl Huffman (707 East Seminary Street). The Wednesday group will be held 6:30–7:30 p.m. at the home of Justin and Dana Glessner (639 East Seminary Street), with children’s program at the church during this time. See following announcement.

Mid-week Children’s Program Starting Soon. Starting on October 7, our new Children’s Minister Kevin Johnston will be leading our youth on Wednesday nights from 6:15–7:45 p.m. in Hamilton Hall and our new children’s ministry space. These gatherings will correspond with the adult study group meeting on Wednesdays at the same time.

Choir for 2015–2016. The Saint Andrew’s Choir has begun its Fall semester. If you have not been part of the Choir previously and are interested in joining, please speak with Christian Hoffland, our Choirmaster (

Connections Program. On Sunday, September 13 the Pastoral Care Ministry Group will roll out our new Connections Program at Saint Andrew’s. By signing up, you and your family will be paired with another individual or family within the parish for a six-month period. During that time you are encouraged to find ways to get to know each other—attending children’s events together, having a meal, serving together, and so on. (A list of ideas will be presented on September 13.) While no-one in the parish is required to participate, all are encouraged to do so as we strive to deepen our “inreach,†and the ways that we care and support one another as a spiritual community.

Parking Lot Spaces. The nine newly-paved spaces at the back of our lot are now available for use. The area will be painted sometime in late September.

Beyond Homeless Monthly Meal Donation. Saint Andrew’s donates a meal on the third Sunday of each month. We provide a main dish, side, and dessert to serve 12–15 people (as well as any Saint Andrew’s members who wish to stay and eat with the residents, which is highly encouraged, but not required). Food needs to be delivered by 5:00 p.m. Sign-up online at or talk to Martha Rainbolt or Brooke Cox.

Hamilton Hall Renovations Update. The facilities passed the final building and fire inspections with flying colors. The flooring and carpeting are now finished in all of the floor areas; a decision will be made Thursday on the color and dimensions of the carpeting and runner that will go on the stairs from the first floor to the second. We are almost there!


Saint Andrew’s Church. The Bennington Family; The Family of Carolyn Colburn: Jim Ensley’s aunt; Judith Edberg; Hope Evans; The Family of Phyllis Everett: Connie Macy’s mother; Alan Good; Betty Harmless; Wade Harper; Gerry Knuth: Dennis Knuth’s uncle; Louisa Wilson Lovett; The Family of Beverly Morris: Thom Morris’ mother; Mary Mountz; Marilyn Mourouzis; Howard Ray; Dee Seketa; John Shafer; The Sheffler Family; Deb Smith; Susan Smith; Rogene Snook; Jack Sutton; John Virtanen.

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer. Saint John’s Church, Speedway: The Rev. Jeffrey Bower, The Rev. Fatima Yakubu-Madus, Deacon.

Our Companion Dioceses. The Episcopal Church of South Sudan: The Rt. Rev. Ruben Akurdit Ngong, Bishop of Bor. The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil: The Most Rev. Mauricio Jose Araujo De Andrade, Primate of Brazil and Bishop of Brasilia. The people and Diocese of Haiti and Saint Andre’s in Mithon.Anglican Cycle of Prayer. The Diocese of South Dakota in The Episcopal Church: The Rt. Rev. John Tarrant.

Birthdays. Anne Harris, September 15; Harvey Cummings, September 17; Michael Knuth, September 18.

Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church
520 East Seminary Street · Greencastle, Indiana 46135
The Rev. Dr. John G. Rumple, Rector.
(765) 653-3921 Â· Â·

Holy Eucharist: Sunday, 10:15 a.m. Office Hours: Monday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Other office hours by appointment.




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