Away to Diocesan Convention 2015

On Friday and Saturday, October 23–24, I will attend our Diocesan Convention in Indianapolis at the Wyndham Indianapolis West, hosted by Saint John’s, Speedway.

At the convention this year we will discuss and decide upon new resolutions to be added to our diocesan Constitutions and Canons, as well as electing to various councils nominees who have been put forward to serve. I am a nominee for a clergy position on the Commission on Ministry—a group that helps individuals discern their call to various kinds of ministry, and guides them through that process. Terry Noble is a lay nominee for this same group (she has previously served enthusiastically on the Commission on Ministry).

The Bishop will address the diocese at the convention, and we are eager to hear how the search for a new bishop for our diocese is progressing.

Please pray for all of us attending Diocesan Convention over the next two days as we come together to grow God’s Kingdom in the Diocese of Indianapolis.

Father John


Vestry begins planning Saint Andrew’s 2016 budget—building the Kingdom of God

THE Vestry intends to provide a balanced budget for our ministries and parish in the 2016 calendar year, for approval by late November.

Members will soon receive a letter about their family’s contributions for 2016. In order to plan carefully for these ministries, the Vestry needs to know what God is leading each of us to give—so we ask that members return their pledge cards by Sunday, November 15.

All of us are asked to prayerfully consider our tithes and offerings as we build, together, the Kingdom of God here at Saint Andrew’s, in our Greencastle community, and beyond.

What’s happening at Saint Andrew’s in the next couple of weeks?

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Newcomer Brunch

If you arrived at Saint Andrew’s in the last year or so, the Vestry, Wardens, and Rector invite you to a brunch in Hamilton Hall following our morning service this Sunday, October 25.

Child care will be provided. Children are welcome to eat lunch prior to playing outside or gathering in Advent House.

• Please RSVP ✉ to the church office if you can participate.

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Saint Andrew’s Vestry meeting

The monthly meeting of the Vestry this Thursday, October 29 is, as always, an open meeting.

All members are welcome to attend to find out more about our church’s ongoing ministries and our leadership’s plans for Saint Andrew’s.

• Father John’s office, Advent House, 7:00 p.m.

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All Hallow’s Eve open house

Next Saturday, October 31, Saint Andrew’s continues its annual tradition of gathering on All Hallow’s Eve—Hallowe’en—at the home of Father John and Christian Hoffland after (or between!) trick-or-treating.

There will be games for children, and drinks—both ordinary and otherwise!—for adults. Please join them!

• 811 South Indiana Street, 6:00–9:00 p.m.

For your calendar



Acolyte training. All current acolytes are requested to attend a 30-minute training session on Sunday, November 1 in the Sanctuary after coffee hour. A new guide for acolytes will be distributed.

Adults and children interested in learning more about serving as an acolyte are invited to attend the session to hear more about this liturgical ministry.

• Please confirm with Father John ✉ that you or your children plan to attend.



The Kingdom of God study series
Tuesday, October 27
• 707 East Seminary Street, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 28
• 639 East Seminary Street, 6:30 p.m.

Children’s mid-week program Wednesday, October 28
• The Murray Suite, 6:15–7:45 p.m.

Ministers serving
this Sunday


The Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost


October 25, 10:15 a.m.

The Rev. Dr. John G. Rumple, Presider. Kevin Johnston, Children’s Minister. Bob Haymaker, Lay Eucharistic Minister. Sidney Stamper and Boyd Ensley, Acolytes. Gwen Morris, Children’s Coordinator. Dennis Knuth, Doorperson. Nicholas Reynolds, Organist. Christian Hoffland, Soloist (Recorder). Graeme Richmond, Accompanist (’Cello). Molly McGuire, Cantor. Matt Stamper, Lector. Jenny Heithaus, Intercessor. Mark Smith, Usher. Joyce Mayer and Sue Murray, Altar Guild. Karen Hirt & Jim Mannon and Harriet & Kevin Moore, Hospitality.

Recent sermons

â–º III. Radical Grace
October 11

â–º II. Prepared to Encounter God
October 4

â–º I. The World is Too Much With Us
September 28

The Rev. Dr. John G. Rumple, Rector of Greencastle

Sunday service 10:15 a.m.
Office hours Mon–Thu 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


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